What You Need to Know About the Slim in 6 Schedule

The Slim in 6 Schedule workout program has been around quite a while and may get overlooked. This work out program might be an oldie, but it is a goodie.

With Beachbody, there often tends to be a focus on a program’s newest variations, whether it is Shaun T’s Insanity or Tony Horton’s p90X. Therefore, it is easy to forget that several programs have been around for a while that simply get the job done. Slim in 6 is one of those programs.

Created by Debbie Siebers and released in 2005, it is a moderate program that promises to help you lose weight and tone up in six weeks. The low-impact workouts are easy to follow and designed for any level of fitness but would be especially suitable for beginners. This program straightforward and easy to follow.

Slim in 6 Schedule – What to Expect

The Slim in 6 schedule is broken up into three steps, and each step is two weeks long.

Step One – Start it Up!

The workouts during this period are roughly 30 minutes, which includes a five-minute warm-up and a cool-down period. It is designed to get your body jump started into the fat burning process while teaching you the moves that you will be doing throughout the program.

There are not a lot of tricks to this program. The exercises mostly use body-weight resistance; think lunges, squats, and push-ups. There is a modified version to follow if anything is too difficult.

Step Two – Ramp it Up!

In the third and fourth weeks of this program, your workouts increase to 45-minutes, and you add a resistance band to specific exercises that will increase your calorie burn. The types of activities expand as well, as you will be adding floor work and yoga.

Step Three – Burn it Up!

By the last couple of weeks, you should be in the groove so the 60-minute workouts shouldn’t be too much of a challenge. The exercises are a little more advanced, adding in kickboxing and jumping jacks (among others). This is where you really will see how far you’ve come in the program.

As with several other Beachbody programs, the Slim in 6 schedule consists of six days of exercise and one rest day. Unlike other programs, however, it is not as vital to plan your schedule, because the routines repeat for each of the steps. So, it is not like needing to rest after a big cardio day (if that makes sense).

consists of six days of exercise and one rest day. Unlike other programs, however, it is not as vital to plan your schedule, because the routines repeat for each of the steps. So, it is not like needing to rest after a big cardio day (if that makes sense).

People who use the Slim in 6 schedule, like that they can get comfortable with the routines and that the challenges build gradually over the full length of the program. If you are looking for low-key, repetitive exercises that give you results, you should consider Slim in 6.

slim in 6 schedule