Archive Monthly Archives: November 2020

Top 10 Business Tips From Successful Women

Top 10 Business Tips From Successful Women

If you’re just starting out, or even if you are a seasoned entrepreneur, you might find yourself in awe of successful women who seem to have this whole business thing figured out. Maybe they have a million followers on Instagram and you can’t even get people to like your posts. Maybe they make more money in a month than you made all last year. How did they do it? Were they just born successful? What do they have that makes them so special?

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Here’s What You Need to Know About Your Immune System

Here’s What You Need to Know About Your Immune System

With cold and flu season approaching, on top of the ongoing COVID pandemic, it is more important than ever to understand how your immune system works and how to strengthen it. Your immune system protects you from illness-causing viruses, bacteria, and other harmful pathogens in your environment. It is your first defense against sickness and can even help you recover quickly if you do get sick. Your immune system isn’t one specific organ, but rather a combination of different organs, tissues, and cells in your body. If your immune system is weak you will become sick more easily because your body cannot fight off disease. Keep reading to learn more about how to boost your immune system and stay healthy this winter.

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How to Raise Teens and Not Go Crazy

How to Raise Teens and Not Go Crazy

Raising a teenager- heck, being a teenager- in this day and age is not for the faint of heart. Seriously, parents should get a gold medal for surviving their child’s teenage years. As a parent, you love your kids to death but boy do teenagers drive you crazy! Why do they do that??? Well, the answer is because teens are crazy themselves. Their drastically changing brains are swimming in teenage hormones and they don’t know how to handle it. Want to know how to survive (and even thrive) your teenager? Keep reading to learn how to raise teens and not go crazy.

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Date Night Ideas to Stay Fit (Not What You Think ;) )

Date Night Ideas to Stay Fit (Not What You Think ;) )

Remember when dates nights used to mean getting dressed up, fixing your hair and makeup, and actually going OUT somewhere? Now, going out requires social distancing, masks, and lots of hand sanitizer. More and more couples are ditching the traditional date night ideas for more active plans. And no wonder! After spending the first half of the year quarantined in our homes, Americans are itching to get out and do something fun and adventurous. If this sounds fun to you, take a look at these date night ideas to stay fit!

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