Why Being Able to Embrace Change is a Super Important Quality

Why Being Able to Embrace Change is a Super Important Quality cover

Change is the only constant in life, they say (and it really is true). Our lives are constantly moving and shifting, so learning how to navigate change is not just another part of our existence — but a piece to live the best life you can. So here’s the big question… How can we embrace it and come out on the other side stronger and wiser?

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How to Release the Mind’s Potential for Sustainable Weight Management

How to Release the Mind's Potential for Sustainable Weight Management cover

Have you ever considered the human mind itself when it comes to hitting your goals? 🧠 There is an intricate interplay between what’s going on in our heads and our lifestyle choices, whether it be conscious decisions or our subconscious minds. This is where we need to take back control — and hypnotherapy could be just what we need.

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The Road to Gut Health and Vibrant Well-Being from Within

The Road to Gut Health and Vibrant Well-Being from Within cover

Well-being means navigating all the complex things happening within our bodies and the impact on our internal balance. Our microbiome is directly affected by the foods we consume. 🦠 Our daily choices make a big difference on how our system functions.

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What Every Woman Needs to Know About Balance in Hormone Health

What Every Woman Needs to Know About Balance in Hormone Health cover

Let’s talk about hormones. These little guys play a crucial role in regulating various bodily functions. Achieving and maintaining hormonal balance is a big part of a woman’s overall well-being that is often overlooked. So, why not put wellness first?

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Tips to Help You Stay Motivated in Your Wellness Journey

Tips to Help You Stay Motivated in Your Wellness Journey cover

The road to a healthier lifestyle might seem like a task, just another thing you have to conquer. But here’s the thing, wellness can be a wonderful adventure if you dig into all that it has to offer. When you start to see the possibilities — your motivation to continue on the path to a more vibrant you continues to rise. It just takes looking from some new perspectives.

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A Special Mother-Daughter Journey in Celebration of the 100th Podcast Episode

A Special Mother-Daughter Journey in Celebration of the 100th Podcast Episode cover

The Melissa Made Show has reached a big milestone — we’ve hit 100 episodes!!! I wanted to celebrate the Podcast by opening the doors to my life a little and share an intimate conversation with a very special guest — my mom.

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What You Need to Know About Semaglutide and Other Transformative Health Strategies

What You Need to Know About Semaglutide and Other Transformative Health Strategies cover

We all want to feel good and have lasting wellness, right? So, the first step is understanding the body’s intricate internal pieces. When we are able to look at the body as a whole and pair that with other practical approaches to wellness — this is when we will see transformative effects on weight loss and overall health.

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Personal Strategies for a Vibrant You in 2024

Personal Strategies for a Vibrant You in 2024 cover

Can you believe that 2024 is almost here? 🤯 As we gear up for the adventures that next year holds, now is a better time than ever to dig into some fantastic tips for a healthier and more balanced life.

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The Unseen Influence of Gut Health

The Unseen Influence of Gut Health cover

In the crazy haze of our hectic lives, we often forget about all the things our bodies are doing to keep us well and functioning properly. The body quietly does its work and shapes our overall well-being while we go about our usual business — especially the gut.

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Why Delayed Gratification is Worth the Wait

Why Delayed Gratification is Worth the Wait cover

Say you set a goal. Maybe it’s shedding a few pounds, landing your dream job, or finally writing that novel you’ve been talking about for years. Embracing delayed gratification might seem like a throwback to a bygone era — but when it comes to the stuff that really matters, it makes the wait well worth it in the long run.

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