Are All Carbohydrates Created Equal?
As you all know, I follow a Higher Fat Low Carbohydrate diet… I eat meat and fish as my major sources of protein (along with nuts, seeds, eggs etc.)
But low carbohydrates doesn’t mean no carbohydrates. I don’t want you to go completely carb free… that wouldn’t be good for your health either.
So here are some of the benefits of carbohydrates (the good ones!)
Are All Carbohydrates Created Equal?
In a word… no!
The good guys
Whole (or unrefined) carbohydrates are our friends. They are unprocessed and contain fiber that is found naturally in food.
These are the carbs that can be eaten in moderation (and that amount differs amongst each of us – check out my M.A.D.E Diet ebook for more details):
You might be wondering why I’ve not included other common, less refined carbohydrates to the good guys list – brown pasta, brown rice, legumes etc. Well, technically yes they are classed as the good carbs – by mainstream diets – but I would argue that even though they contain some benefits, they just don’t provide enough for you to waste your daily food intake on.
The bad guys
Refined and processed carbohydrates have had the dietary fiber stripped out of them and offer little to no nutritional value. On top of this, too many refined carbohydrates have been proven to contribute to type 2 diabetes and obesity. They cause spikes in blood sugar levels, hunger pangs, cravings and untold damage to your internal systems.
So, avoid these at all costs:
Prioritize your nutritional intake with meals made up of fresh meat and fish accompanied by healthy vegetables. I know the transition can be tough, but honestly you will feel more energetic (and less hungry) than you imagined.