The first step is to sign up with Beachbody then you can begin working towards that Emerald Coach rank. To do this you can either sign up with me on my website or you can go to the Beachbody website. When you sign up to become a Beachbody coach you receive your own personal coach that will work with you to meet your goals and build your business. You can look over things together, and make a plan to build your business, to structure for success and to rank up.
So once you start to look for people to build your team, well then Congratulations are in order because you have started your business and you are on our way to becoming the first beachbody rank where you begin to benefit from Team Volume, where you go from being mentored to mentoring other business builders who want to not only get healthy, but also to develop another stream of income. That rank is Emerald Coach. Excited to get your business going you will need to have 2 people sign up as a Beachbody coach with you as their mentor. You are working your business with the help of your own personal mentor, selling products, using Beachbody programs and training your team of coaches.
The Beachbody program works off of a PV point system (Personal Volume Points). You need 50 PV points to reach Emerald rank. Points are equivalent to about $1.00 per point and can be gained by either you buying 50 PV of product and or selling through your website.
Your beachbody team coaches also need 50 PV points also by buying or selling product through their website. The two coaches you are mentoring also known as your team, are considered to be ACTIVE LEGS on your tree.
The image below best provides an overall understanding of what an Emerald Rank looks like.
If you want to understand more about the potential earnings for each beachbody coach rank check out WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT LEVELS OF BEACHBODY COACHING? By Keith Callihan
In the meantime, feel free to reach out and connect with me if you want to become a Beachbody coach and or ready build your own business. I am here to be your personal fitness and business coach.